- 工研院 3D CT 影像 與 3D MR 影像 之對位演算法開發, 113, 主持人
- 工研院 3D CT 影像 與 C-ARM X光影像 之對位演算法開發, 113, 主持人
- 惠茲科技 X光三維影像瀏覽平台軟體開發, 112, 主持人
- 工研院 MR_CT顱內3D影像模擬導航技術, 112, 主持人
- 工研院 醫學影像3D顯示引擎, 112, 主持人
- 工研院 脊椎手術用3D影像物件顯示操作技術開發, 112, 主持人
- 工研院 動物步行步態分析演算法, 111, 主持人
- 工研院 MRI腰椎影像內插演算法, 111, 主持人
- 工研院 頭顎 3D CT 醫學影像 3D 標示與修正, 110, 主持人
- 工研院 頭顎 3D CT 醫學影像 Open GL 四分割顯示, 110, 主持人
- 工研院 顏顎組織 CT 模型三維空間標記與量測, 109, 主持人
- 工研院 膝骨術前術後評估模擬演算法, 109, 主持人
- 工研院 顏顎組織 CT 成像空間建模, 109, 主持人
- 工研院 消融影像處理技術 3D 顯示核心, 108, 主持人
- 工研院 醫學影像 DICOM 網路傳輸程式庫開發, 106, 主持人
- 工研院 DICOM 格式之讀取儲存程式碼開發, 106, 主持人
- 瀚生醫電 Bio-Chip Scanner 影像分析軟體, 105, 主持人
- 工研院 三維重建運算加速函式庫研究開發, 104, 主持人
- 經濟部 開發大面積高解析度數位醫療X光影像感測器(第二期)-感測器模組構裝技術開發設備, 102, 子計畫主持人
- 工研院 OCT 影像與 Ultrasound 影像融合技術, 101, 主持人
- 經濟部 開發大面積高解析度數位醫療X光影像感測器(第一期)-感測器模組構裝技術開發設備, 101, 子計畫主持人
- 經濟部「協助傳統產業技術開發計畫」- 光學互動式有氧拳擊機開發計畫, 顧問
- 產學合作, 互動式光控遊戲開發, 主持人
A. Journal papers
- Hai-yan He, Chih-Yang Lin, and Hollis T. Cline, “In Vivo Time-Lapse Imaging and Analysis of Dendritic Structural Plasticity in Xenopus laevis Tadpoles,” Cold Spring Harbor Protocols, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2022. (SCI, IF:1.276)
- Chih-Yang Lin, Wei-Sheng Lin, “Applications of OpenCL in Image Registration,” Journal of Information Technology and Applications, Mar. 2014, pp. 1-14
- Ping-Chang Lee, Hai-yan He, Chih-Yang Lin, Yu-Tai Ching & Hollis T. Cline, “Computer Aided Alignment and Quantitative 4D Structural Plasticity Analysis of Neurons,” Neuroinformatics, Feb. 2013, pp. 249-257
- Bo-Ni Guo, Chih-Yang Lin, “A study to vital signs measured using a webcam,” Journal of Information Technology and Applications, Mar. 2012, pp. 1-14
- Ann-Shyn Chiang, Chih-Yung Lin, Chao-Chun Chuang, Hsiu-Ming Chang, Chang-Huain Hsieh, Chang-Wei Yeh, Chi-Tin Shih, Jian-Jheng Wu, Guo-Tzau Wang, Yung-Chang Chen, Cheng-Chi Wu, Guan-Yu Chen, Yu-Tai Ching, Ping-Chang Lee, Chih-Yang Lin, Hui-Hao Lin, Chia-Chou Wu, Hao-Wei Hsu, Yun-Ann Huang, Jing-Yi Chen, Hsin-Jung Chiang, Chun-Fang Lu, Ru-Fen Ni, Chao-Yuan Yeh, and Jenn-Kang Hwang, “Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Brain-wide Wiring Networks in Drosophila at Single-Cell Resolution,” Current Biology, Jan., 2011, pp. 1-11. (SCI, IF:10.992, RF:15/283)
- Chih-Yang Lin, Shao-Yu Liao, “Using CUDA implemented volume rendering applying to medical images,” Journal of Information Technology and Applications, Mar. 2011, pp. 169-175
- Chih-Yang Lin, and Yu-Tai Ching, Yun-Liang Yang, “Automatic Method to Compare the Lanes in Gel Electrophoresis Images,” IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Vol. 11, No 1, 2007. (EI, SCI, IF:1.274, RF:16/83)
- Chih-Yang Lin, Wen-Jeng Lee, Shyh-Jye Chen, Ching-Hwa Tsai, Jei-Han Lee, Chia-Hung Chang, Yu-Tai Ching, ” A Study of Grid Artifacts Formation and Elimination in Computed Radiographic Images,” Journal of Digital Imaging, Vol. 19, No. 4, Dec, 2006, pp. 351-361. (EI, SCI, IF:2.098, RF:29/84)
- Chih-Yang Lin, and Yu-Tai Ching, “A Robust Images Hiding Method Using Wavelet Techniques,” Journal of Information Science and Engineering. Vol. 22 No. 1, 2006, pp. 163-174 (EI, SCI, IF:0.140, RF:74/78 )
- Chih-Yang Lin, Yu-Tai Ching, Betty A.Wu-Hsieh, “Computer Method for ELISA Spot Assay Analysis,” Optical Engineering, Aug, 2005. (EI, SCI, IF:0.877, RF:28/54)
- Chih-Yang Lin, Yu-Tai Ching, “Extraction of Coronary Arterial Tree Using Cine X-Ray Angiograms,” Biomedical Engineering Applications, Basis Communications, Vol. 17, No. 3, Jun, 2005, pp. 111-120. (EI)
- Hsiu-Jung Lo, Jang-Shiun Wang, Chih-Yang Lin, Chia-Geun Chen, Tin-Yi Hsaio, Chia-Tung Hsu, Chia-Li Su, Ming-Ji Fann,Yu-Tai Ching, and Yun-Liang Yang, “Efg1 Involved in Drug Resistance through Regulating the Expression of ERG3 in Candida albicans,” Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Vol. 49. No, 3, Mar., 2005, pp. 1213-1215. (EI, SCI, IF:4.246, RF:12/84)
- Yu-Tai Ching, Shyh-Jye Chen, Chew-Laing Chang, Chih-Yang Lin, Yu-Hsian Liu, “Finding the Mitral Annular Lines from 2D+1D Precordial Echocardiogram Using Graph-Search Technique,” IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Vol. 8, No. 1, Mar., 2004, pp. 1-4. (EI, SCI, IF:1.274, RF:16/83)
- Chi-Feng Lin, Chih-Yang Lin, “A new approach to a high precision 3-D measuring system,” Image and Vision Computing , No. 17, 1999, pp. 805-814. (EI, SCI, IF:1.169, RF:20/76)
B. Conference papers
- Tin-Yi Hsaio, Chia-Geun Chen, Chih-Yang lin, and Yun-Liang Yang, “EFG1 Involved in drug resistance through regulating the expression of ERG3 in Candida albicans,” The 20th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Mar., 26, 2005
- Yu-Tai Ching, Chih-Yang Lin, C. H. Yang, and C. A. Lin, ” Rectangular Meshes Construction of the Human Urethra Using 3-D GVF Snakes,” SPIE Medical Imaging, Feb. 2004, pp. 539-549. (EI)
- Chih-Yang Lin, and Yu-Tai Ching, “Reconstruction of the human brain from MRI-T1 using 3-D morphology and snake,” SPIE Medical Imaging, Feb. 2002, pp. 317-323. (EI)
- Ming-Jin Wua, Chih-Yang Lin, and Yu-Tai Ching, “Segmentation of confocal microscopic image of insect brain,” SPIE Medical Imaging, Feb., 2002, pp. 1563-1570. (EI)
- Wei-Zen Cheng, Kue-Sai Yen, Chih-Yang Lin, Yu-Tai Ching, Yun-Liang Yang, “Comparing lanes in the pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) images,” 23rd annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in medicine and biology society, 2001, pp. 2911-2913. (EI)
- Chih-Yang Lin, Yu-Tai Ching, A.Wu-Hsieh, “A method to extract spots from the image of the ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) spot assay,” 23rd annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in medicine and biology society, 2001, pp. 2549-2552. (EI)
- Chih-Yang Lin and Yu-Tai Ching, “Extraction of coronary arteries by using a sequence of X-Ray angiographic images,” Proceeding of SPIE Vol. 4322, 2001, pp.1322-1328. (EI)
C. Ph.D. Dissertation
- Chih-Yang Lin, “Image Artifacts Removal and Segmentation Applied to Biomedical Images”, Ph.D. Dissertation, National Chiao Tung University, Aug, 2005, pp. 1-141.