
♔ 關於我

姓名 林志陽
學歷 國立交通大學資訊科學 博士
台灣人工智慧學校 畢業
專長 生醫影像處理、生醫訊號處理、人工智慧、電腦視覺、系統整合設計及開發
現職 中華大學光電與材料工程系 助理教授
  1. Motorola(摩托羅拉)公司: 自動化部 資深工程師 (五年)
  2. 企龍公司: 研發處軟體部 副理 (五年)
  3. 牧德科技公司: 顧問
  4. 育群顧問公司: 顧問
  1. Motorola 傑出獎 (Outstanding Award)
  2. 教育部研究發明獎
  3. 全友公司實驗獎
  4. 企龍公司研發處績優員工獎 (連續五年,5次)
  5. 中華大學教學優良獎 (7次)
  6. 中華大學傑出輔導獎
  7. 中華大學優良導師獎 (5次)

  1. 工研院 3D CT 影像 與 3D MR 影像 之對位演算法開發, 113, 主持人
  2. 工研院 3D CT 影像 與 C-ARM X光影像 之對位演算法開發, 113, 主持人
  3. 惠茲科技 X光三維影像瀏覽平台軟體開發, 112, 主持人
  4. 工研院 MR_CT顱內3D影像模擬導航技術, 112, 主持人
  5. 工研院 醫學影像3D顯示引擎, 112, 主持人
  6. 工研院 脊椎手術用3D影像物件顯示操作技術開發, 112, 主持人
  7. 工研院 動物步行步態分析演算法,  111, 主持人
  8. 工研院 MRI腰椎影像內插演算法,  111, 主持人
  9. 工研院 頭顎 3D CT 醫學影像 3D 標示與修正, 110, 主持人
  10. 工研院 頭顎 3D CT 醫學影像 Open GL 四分割顯示, 110, 主持人
  11. 工研院 顏顎組織 CT 模型三維空間標記與量測, 109, 主持人
  12. 工研院 膝骨術前術後評估模擬演算法, 109, 主持人
  13. 工研院 顏顎組織 CT 成像空間建模, 109, 主持人
  14. 工研院 消融影像處理技術 3D 顯示核心, 108, 主持人
  15. 工研院 醫學影像 DICOM 網路傳輸程式庫開發, 106, 主持人
  16. 工研院 DICOM 格式之讀取儲存程式碼開發, 106, 主持人
  17. 瀚生醫電 Bio-Chip Scanner 影像分析軟體, 105, 主持人
  18. 工研院 三維重建運算加速函式庫研究開發, 104, 主持人
  19. 經濟部 開發大面積高解析度數位醫療X光影像感測器(第二期)-感測器模組構裝技術開發設備, 102, 子計畫主持人
  20. 工研院 OCT 影像與 Ultrasound 影像融合技術, 101, 主持人
  21. 經濟部 開發大面積高解析度數位醫療X光影像感測器(第一期)-感測器模組構裝技術開發設備, 101, 子計畫主持人
  22. 經濟部「協助傳統產業技術開發計畫」- 光學互動式有氧拳擊機開發計畫, 顧問
  23. 產學合作, 互動式光控遊戲開發, 主持人

  1. NSC 99-2221-E-216-053, Constructing a High-speed Tracking and Reconstruction System for Biomedical Images, 主持人
  2. NSC 98-2221-E-216-035,  The Developement and Application of Biomedical Image Library, 主持人
  3. NSC 97-2221-E-233 -001,  Neurogenomic mapping and 3D image processing system for interactive brain circuitry database 之子計劃三 Fine structures extraction and analysis, 共同主持人
  4. NSC 96-2516-S-216-001,  Biomedical image processing system for research and computer aided instruction, 主持人
  5. NSC 96-2221-E-233 -001,  Neurogenomic mapping and 3D image processing system for interactive brain circuitry database 之子計劃三 Fine structures extraction and analysis, 共同主持人
  6. NSC 95-2627-B-009-005, Image Segmentation, Analysis and 3D Reconstruction of Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Ultrasonography Images,  主持人
  7. NSC 95-2221-E-233 -001,  Neurogenomic mapping and 3D image processing system for interactive brain circuitry database 之子計劃三 Fine structures extraction and analysis, 共同主持人

A. Journal papers

  1. Hai-yan He,  Chih-Yang Lin,  and Hollis T. Cline, “In Vivo Time-Lapse Imaging and Analysis of Dendritic Structural Plasticity in Xenopus laevis Tadpoles,” Cold Spring Harbor Protocols, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2022. (SCI, IF:1.276)
  2. Chih-Yang Lin, Wei-Sheng Lin, “Applications of OpenCL in Image Registration,” Journal of Information Technology and Applications, Mar. 2014, pp. 1-14
  3. Ping-Chang Lee, Hai-yan He, Chih-Yang Lin, Yu-Tai Ching & Hollis T. Cline, “Computer Aided Alignment and Quantitative 4D Structural Plasticity Analysis of Neurons,” Neuroinformatics, Feb. 2013, pp. 249-257
  4. Bo-Ni Guo, Chih-Yang Lin, “A study to vital signs measured using a webcam,” Journal of Information Technology and Applications, Mar. 2012, pp. 1-14
  5. Ann-Shyn Chiang, Chih-Yung Lin, Chao-Chun Chuang, Hsiu-Ming Chang, Chang-Huain Hsieh, Chang-Wei Yeh, Chi-Tin Shih, Jian-Jheng Wu, Guo-Tzau Wang, Yung-Chang Chen, Cheng-Chi Wu, Guan-Yu Chen, Yu-Tai Ching, Ping-Chang Lee, Chih-Yang Lin, Hui-Hao Lin, Chia-Chou Wu, Hao-Wei Hsu, Yun-Ann Huang, Jing-Yi Chen, Hsin-Jung Chiang, Chun-Fang Lu, Ru-Fen Ni, Chao-Yuan Yeh, and Jenn-Kang Hwang, “Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Brain-wide Wiring Networks in Drosophila at Single-Cell Resolution,” Current Biology, Jan., 2011, pp. 1-11. (SCI, IF:10.992, RF:15/283)
  6. Chih-Yang Lin, Shao-Yu Liao, “Using CUDA implemented volume rendering applying to medical images,” Journal of Information Technology and Applications, Mar. 2011, pp. 169-175
  7. Chih-Yang Lin, and Yu-Tai Ching, Yun-Liang Yang, “Automatic Method to Compare the Lanes in Gel Electrophoresis Images,” IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Vol. 11, No 1, 2007. (EI, SCI, IF:1.274, RF:16/83)
  8. Chih-Yang Lin, Wen-Jeng Lee, Shyh-Jye Chen, Ching-Hwa Tsai, Jei-Han Lee, Chia-Hung Chang, Yu-Tai Ching, ” A Study of Grid Artifacts Formation and Elimination in Computed Radiographic Images,” Journal of Digital Imaging, Vol. 19, No. 4, Dec, 2006, pp. 351-361. (EI, SCI, IF:2.098, RF:29/84)
  9. Chih-Yang Lin, and Yu-Tai Ching, “A Robust Images Hiding Method Using Wavelet Techniques,” Journal of Information Science and Engineering. Vol. 22 No. 1, 2006, pp. 163-174 (EI, SCI, IF:0.140, RF:74/78 )
  10. Chih-Yang Lin, Yu-Tai Ching, Betty A.Wu-Hsieh, “Computer Method for ELISA Spot Assay Analysis,” Optical Engineering, Aug, 2005. (EI, SCI, IF:0.877, RF:28/54)
  11. Chih-Yang Lin, Yu-Tai Ching, “Extraction of Coronary Arterial Tree Using Cine X-Ray Angiograms,” Biomedical Engineering Applications, Basis Communications, Vol. 17, No. 3, Jun, 2005, pp. 111-120. (EI)
  12. Hsiu-Jung Lo, Jang-Shiun Wang, Chih-Yang Lin, Chia-Geun Chen, Tin-Yi Hsaio, Chia-Tung Hsu, Chia-Li Su, Ming-Ji Fann,Yu-Tai Ching, and Yun-Liang Yang, “Efg1 Involved in Drug Resistance through Regulating the Expression of ERG3 in Candida albicans,” Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Vol. 49. No, 3, Mar., 2005, pp. 1213-1215. (EI, SCI, IF:4.246, RF:12/84)
  13. Yu-Tai Ching, Shyh-Jye Chen, Chew-Laing Chang, Chih-Yang Lin, Yu-Hsian Liu, “Finding the Mitral Annular Lines from 2D+1D Precordial Echocardiogram Using Graph-Search Technique,” IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Vol. 8, No. 1, Mar., 2004, pp. 1-4. (EI, SCI, IF:1.274, RF:16/83)
  14. Chi-Feng Lin, Chih-Yang Lin, “A new approach to a high precision 3-D measuring system,” Image and Vision Computing , No. 17, 1999, pp. 805-814. (EI, SCI, IF:1.169, RF:20/76)

B. Conference papers

  1. Tin-Yi Hsaio, Chia-Geun Chen, Chih-Yang lin, and Yun-Liang Yang, “EFG1 Involved in drug resistance through regulating the expression of ERG3 in Candida albicans,” The 20th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Mar., 26, 2005
  2. Yu-Tai Ching, Chih-Yang Lin, C. H. Yang, and C. A. Lin, ” Rectangular Meshes Construction of the Human Urethra Using 3-D GVF Snakes,” SPIE Medical Imaging, Feb. 2004, pp. 539-549. (EI)
  3. Chih-Yang Lin, and Yu-Tai Ching, “Reconstruction of the human brain from MRI-T1 using 3-D morphology and snake,” SPIE Medical Imaging, Feb. 2002, pp. 317-323. (EI)
  4. Ming-Jin Wua, Chih-Yang Lin, and Yu-Tai Ching, “Segmentation of confocal microscopic image of insect brain,” SPIE Medical Imaging, Feb., 2002, pp. 1563-1570. (EI)
  5. Wei-Zen Cheng, Kue-Sai Yen, Chih-Yang Lin, Yu-Tai Ching, Yun-Liang Yang, “Comparing lanes in the pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) images,” 23rd annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in medicine and biology society, 2001, pp. 2911-2913. (EI)
  6. Chih-Yang Lin, Yu-Tai Ching, A.Wu-Hsieh, “A method to extract spots from the image of the ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) spot assay,” 23rd annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in medicine and biology society, 2001, pp. 2549-2552. (EI)
  7. Chih-Yang Lin and Yu-Tai Ching, “Extraction of coronary arteries by using a sequence of X-Ray angiographic images,” Proceeding of SPIE Vol. 4322, 2001, pp.1322-1328. (EI)

C. Ph.D. Dissertation

  • Chih-Yang Lin, “Image Artifacts Removal and Segmentation Applied to Biomedical Images”, Ph.D. Dissertation, National Chiao Tung University, Aug, 2005, pp. 1-141.